Friday, May 24, 2013

Information and Shelves

I'm so sorry for not getting to blog this week. This has happened for a few reasons: 1. The content of this archives is slightly different, as I said before, so there are fewer things to take pictures of. Unless you want pictures of typewritten letters. 2. Things have gotten a bit crazy this week, so blogging has been a bit more difficult. 3. They have been very good here about finding people to take me in for supper. However, this takes away the time that I had been using to write every night. So, I'm using some time in the archives to work on it. After all, it is going to be part of my final project, so it is just as important as my research.

I don't have too much to report today. Mostly, I am focusing on getting packed up and ready to go. My plane leaves for Canada at 5 in the afternoon tomorrow, so there is no big rush to get up early in the morning (unlike last week).

Here are a couple of pictures from inside the vault. It's rather small, so they have started using off-site storage. Because they know certain papers aren't going to be needed often, they can send them off campus and have them retrieved for a small fee if needed.


Boxes on shelves
It's not terribly exciting, but it's a nice vault. Very well organized and easy to find things in.

That's all I have for now. I've been finding letters and taking notes. By now I probably have over 100 pages or so of single-spaced notes, so I'd say I'm finding information. I'll try to post on Sunday, since I won't have anything new to say tomorrow until after travelling.

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